Sunday, March 27, 2011

Welcome to a Healer's Journey!

I'm totally new to blogging, but I'm embarking on an exciting (for me) time of my life when I want to be able to keep myself honest, accountable, and on track. I have always loved working with herbs. Growing them, drying them, rummaging through books to find uses for them...but I never gave myself permission to do anything with that joyful expression.

Well, as a 40 year old, mother of a 2 1/2 year old, I finally have. It won't be easy. I work full time, I have a husband who likes a little attention now and again, a house that needs cleaning, and the aforementioned toddler that needs loving and nurturing takes up the vast majority - or to be honest - all - of my time. So it will be, indeed, an adventure.

I'm also supplementing this relationship with our green friends with studies in indigenous spirituality (commonly referred to as shamanism). There is spirit and energy in everything, and a healer knows that true healing must touch on all levels of reality for it to be complete. So I'm also devouring books by Dr. Hank Wesselman, Sandra Ingerman, John and Caitlin Matthews to name but a few. I will be involved in workshops with Dr. Hank in May 2011, and beyond I hope.

When all is said and done, I know this woman's mid-life-crisis will bring a malcontented office worker into her own power and joy. I'll be a positive inspiration to my daughter, instead of an inspiration about how -not- to live your life. I'll finally be truly me.

That's the dream...and if there's one thing I've always believed, anything IS possible.

I hope you enjoy the ride with me!

Green Blessings, my friends!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you Kim! I love that you are taking this journey and look forward to sharing the ride ahead!
    Much love,
